Saturday, February 16, 2013

Lazy weekend? Not round these parts!

Weekly Fitness Update:
Weight: 143.0lbs
Height: 5'1
Variance: +0.4 lbs (doh!)
On instagram straight flexin'!

This is me after my bootcamp class and breakfast this morning. I still haven't made the necessary improvements to my diet.  I'm still eating junk, and swearing I'm gonna do better.  Hopefully the fact that my 4.5 pack has run off and left me, will be the motivation I need to start eating right again. I'm flexing hard in the photo and my abs are still non-existent.  I also need to step up my cardio game, I haven't run more than a few min at a time since summer.  Anywho, this is where I'm at, I like it but I'd love to be a little leaner, especially in my thighs (there's a reason those are rarely photographed, lol) I carry most of my weight in my hips and thighs.  One day!  Meanwhile here are the rest of my workouts for the week.

Wednesday's workout 

I think, with the exception of the leg press (which I recorded) some of these weights are just the amount on one side of the machine.  They look a little light to me, and I know RR records that way in his log.
Leg day
Exercise weight sets reps
Leg press Warm up 90lbs 1 20
180lbs 1 15
270lbs 1 15
360lbs 1 15
410lbs 2 15
V-Squats 25lbs 1 15
60lbs 1 15
75lbs 2 12
leg extensions 25lbs 3 15
hamstring curls 25lbs 3 15
Circuit (no weights)
Standing Lunges with straight bar
3 15
Squats 4 20
Step ups on bench 4 15/leg

Friday's workout 

Some weights have a plus next to it, because some of the dumbbells at the new gym don't factor in the weight of the bar so they're a little heavier than what they say on the side.

Biceps and triceps
Exercise weight sets reps
DB curls 15+ 3 10
Straight bar curls 20 3 15
15 1 10
10 2 10
Inclined DB curls 10+ 3 15
Preacher curls 7lbs 3 15
Tricep pushdowns 50 1 15
60 2 15
Rope Overheads 45lbs 3 15
Kickbacks 12lbs 3 20

I strongly recommend anyone who lifts get a workout log, I use and highly reccomend this workout log.  Its great the front page is a list of goals and measurements.  The last page is the same so you can see your progress.  All the pages in between look like this. Its awesome.

So now that you know what I've been doing, I hope you all aren't sitting around slacking just because its the weekend!!! Get out there and do something! As for me,  I already got my workout in today.  Tomorrow I'll be putting these guns to work, helping one of my favorite couples paint their new home and then on Monday I'll be doing some more aerials and some flying trapeze!

Be Happy, Be healthy,

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Working out while sick. :(

So despite not feeling well yesterday, I let RR drag me to the gym, mostly because I've heard working out is a great way to cure yourself.  I'm kinda mad at myself for falling for the "okie doke", especially because it makes me the biggest hypocrite ever! I hate when people workout while sick with the passion of a thousand suns!!  But in my defense I wasn't coughing, I was just bone tired, my nose was kinda runny and my throat hurt.  So I was a huge hypocrite, and went to the gym, and did shoulders and lats.  My back, delts, shoulders and lats are super sore so these past two days have been fairly light...

Exercise Weight (lbs) sets reps
Shoulder press  20 1 15
25 1 15
27 1 12
Lateral Raises 15 3 15
Inclined barbell bench press 55 3 12
Dumbell Flies 10 3 12
Leg raises body weight 4 15
ab machine  50 3 15

Throughout my workouts these past two days, I've been sore, but trying not to complain. So, generally, I've just been giving RR an eye roll or the stink face when he tells me what we're going to do next.  However, today he tried to get me to do some rear deltoid flies, I made THIS face at him, before I could catch myself.

Followed by a VERY melodramatic

Thankfully, he just laughed at me and let me skip. (whew!)

In other news, I love buying new workout clothes. I feel like I buy more workout clothes than anything else.  So when my BFF, TdotC shared the following link with me for Ellie, I nearly wet myself (okay, not really).

Ellie is a Fitness Fashionista Club, in layman's terms its a new athletic apparel service, where you’ll get two pieces of fitness apparel sent to your doorstep each month for $49.95. You can choose which items you want, or let them decide for you. They do ask you to take a survey, so they know your your workout habits, size, style and color preference.  Below are some of the options they gave me based on my preferences...

LOVE this tank!

and all of this!

Seriously considering joining Ellie,

Off the wagon

I weighed in for the first time today in a while.  My weight this morning was 143.6.  Which means I'm gaining weight.  I suppose its to be expected since I am not eating right, at all. Starting today I'm gonna do better, because I gave away all my "fat clothes", and I refuse to buy bigger clothes.. Time to to chase down the wagon and hop back on it.

Maybe I'll step up my workouts while I'm at it, today is leg day, which is exciting because my legs aren't sore which mean I have nothing holding me back today.

More of me to love (for now),

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

One Workout, 2 Recipes

Despite having sore shoulders, delts and lats yesterday, I went to the new gym, pushed through the pain and banged out my biceps and back exercises. Which looked like this..

Exercise                                                     weight             Sets                  Reps                               
Lat Pulldowns                                             45lbs               4                            15
                                                                   65lbs               2                            15
Seated rows                                                75lbs               3                            15
Single Arm DB rows                                   15lbs                3                            15
Iso-Lateral chest/back machines                  10lbs              1                           15   
                                                                   15lbs               1                            15  
                                                                   17lbs               1                            13
Seated Row Machine                                   30lbs              1                             2

I tried to do the 2nd set of Rows but my delts were NOT about it.  lol  So i did about 10 min of cardio before leaving for Ballet class!!

After class I realized we ran out of bread, so I thought, I should just make some!! The plan last night after thoroughly kicking my own butt in the gym and then running back to the old gym for Ballet class, was to come home and make this but if I made ithis bread recipe I would have been up until 1am. (No way Jose!!!)  So I bought some bread and went to sleep, this is however on my agenda for later this week. I had hoped to do it tonight but I started to come down with something this morning and making bread is the last thing on my mind today,  :( 

  • 4 ¼ cups whole-wheat flour
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 ½ cups warm water (not too hot or it will kill the yeast)
  • ¼ cup honey
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil (or melted butter)
  • 1 packet or 2 ¼ teaspoons yeast
  1. Follow your bread machine’s directions for making a whole-wheat sandwich loaf. For me that means putting in the dry ingredients first with the wet ingredients on top. I have the Panasonic SD-YD250 Automatic Bread Maker and it takes the machine five hours to make this loaf.

I'll let you know how my bread turns out,when I  make it! Then while playing around on the internet last night I ran across this recipe which MUST.BE.TRIED!!! ASAP!!!

That's right, healthy nutella!! Who knew such awesomeness was even possible in a healthy version!! I obviously intend to give this a whirl, I'm contemplating making some Nutella covered strawberries, not sure if that'll work the same as regular chocolate covered strawberries, but we'll see.

You will need:
Two cups of raw hazelnuts
1/4 cup of dark unsweetened cocoa
4 tablespoons agave nectar
3 packets of stevia 
1/4 cup of almond milk 
2 tsp vanilla extract

To prepare:
Toast hazelnuts in 350 degree oven for 15 minutes (or less for a less strong hazelnut flavor). Wait for them to cool and then remove skin by rubbing nut between hands or a paper towel. Put in a food processor and blend until it looks like peanut butter. This may take awhile because the nuts have to begin to release oils. Once it reaches this consistency, add all other ingredients and blend until smooth.
Spread over bread or eat by the spoonful!

Sick, sore and pouting,


Monday, February 11, 2013

I took on the Circus and I won!

The Circus is in town!!!  (It might be, I don't really know)  But for me this means I'm getting back in to Circus Aerials classes.  I took a break because the school is simply too far for me to attempt the commute in these Northeast winters.  However, I've decided the worst of it is over (I hope I'm right) and attended a Aerials workshop last night, so I could figure out what level I am currently.  The workshop is very basic, its an introductory course for anyone thinking about trying aerials, so we didn't do anything too strenuous  we climbed, we inverted (on the ground *sad face*), I did get to do this a few feet off the mat (no these photos are not of me, I need to kidnap a friend and a camera so I can have more photos of me and my repertoire of tricks)

and an upside down descent which made me happy.  Oddly enough the nasty rope burn I got doing this last summer, hasn't ruined my love for this move. 
Imagine her sliding down to the floor like this... upside down descent

Then we moved to the static trapeze and practiced pike-ups (i forget the real name for it is, it might be rock and roll, but for today I'm going to call them pike-ups), 

side star

 birds nest,

 standing on the trapeze, then front and back arabesque, 

front arabesque, the back is the same thing except you lean backwards instead of leaning forwards, like she's doing)
Then finally a Star

After this we moved over to silks, where i got to do some climbing, a foot-lock and another upside down descent, while some of the other other girls hammock-ed and did spins.

Today my traps and delts are sore, and its a good feeling.  A long time ago I reached the oddball gym rat stage where I love it when I'm sore.  I'm happiest with my workouts when I'm sore afterwards because it makes me feel like I actually did something, and am one step closer to my achieving my goals.  So everytime I stretch, reach for something, or try to fix my hair, I get a little tingle that lets me know, I waged a war with Trapeze, Corde De Lisse and Silks, last night and I won!! Next weekend, I'm taking a field trip to DC where I plan to add flying trapeze to the equation. Considering I've recruited a few friennds in the form of Miekspeak and CO from FFF.  I'm really looking forward to this trip!!

Until Next Time,


PS- Any (real life) friends in or near Philly who want to spend an hour watching my class and taking pics/video of me? That way next time I post about Aerials I can have actual photos of ME!!!! And I'm pretty awesome to watch, I'm just saying! lol

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