So while I appreciate anyone who looks at my pics and thinks but you already look great, or you don't need to lose 10 or more lbs, I'm still going to try. I'm writing this blog as extra motivation and also kind of as a check and balance to make sure I'm doing things correctly. So unless my efforts turn unhealthy and/or dangerous, I'd appreciate it if the readers of my blog could refrain from trying to discourage me.
So the plan is basically, to list my workouts, what I've eaten on a daily basis, and any protein shakes, vitamins, etc. I'm using. I'll post weekly photos and weigh-in results. Hopefully, this will help me determine what works best, or where I went wrong, and ultimately help me achieve my goals.
I'd also like to note my goal is not to be Zoey Saldana skinny. Mostly because I want to tie her to a chair and force feed her. But also because I have curves, which I love, and want to keep. So my body role models are Beyonce, Sheree from Real housewives of Atlanta, and Anastacia McPherson who was a contestant on PussyCat Dolls Present: The Search for the doll. If you google the show she's the girl in the middle. But I've also included a picture of her from the show below. For any of you unfamiliar with these ladies they're pictured below... in order.
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